Sundered – A Lovecraftian Metroidvania acid trip
Sundered is an addicting love letter to all things eldritch and exploration. After a very successful Kickstarter campaign earlier this year, it launched recently on Steam. Continue Reading
Sundered is an addicting love letter to all things eldritch and exploration. After a very successful Kickstarter campaign earlier this year, it launched recently on Steam. Continue Reading
Hey there, Dorkadians! Hannah returns to the mic this week so we can talk about even more stuff from PAX West 2016. There were a Continue Reading
I’m old enough to have played a lot of NES games back when they were first released. There’s a certain kind of nostalgia filter that Continue Reading
Mining, puzzles, and pigs – now all wrapped up in one game like you’ve always wanted. Full Bore, a game about a boar that just Continue Reading