Episode 36 – Watch Cowboy Bebop
This week the Dorkadia crew cranked up the mic (you might want to adjust your headphones accordingly!) after a combination of laughing at the literal trailer for Darksiders II, and watching Jon do the running man in his excitement of seeing Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique in the next X-Men movie. The results is us reminding everyone that you should watch Cowboy Beebop!
[audio https://www.dorkadia.com/podcasts/Episode36-WatchCowboyBebop.mp3]

Worthy of doing the running man!
- Check out the Attack on Titanfall lootcrate!
Yes, there was a live action La Blue Girl, but we’re only going to link you to Wikipedia on it because we don’t want you all fired for clicking on something we put here.
Grave of the Fireflies is the movie that is super amazing, but should be followed up by watching My Neighbor Totoro for happy feelings.
If you need a fix of crazy martial arts and heads exploding, Fist of the North Star is your movie.
NSFW: Highschool of the Dead and their special physics for boobs.
And lastly, if you want to start questioning the sanity of people who were in charge of Liquid Television on MTV, check out The Head.
As always, click to download the MP3 of this episode here: Episode 36 – Watch Cowboy Bebop
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