Episode 22 – Game Prep: remaking the tentacle whale
This week’s podcast was pre-recorded before the holiday rush so that Dorkadia staff could have time to spend with their families. It’s also one of the longest podcasts that we’ve put out to date. Jon and Hannah spend the majority of it discussing various techniques for GMs to use when prepping for a session of their favorite game. So this one is actually full of practical advice and information as opposed to our normal asshattery and drinking. No players were harmed in the making of this podcast, though the characters in Hannah’s campaign might be if they fail in their epic tasks for the Dwarven mages. Stream it here and follow along with the show notes below.
We focus primarily on the games of 13th Age by Pelgrane Press being run by Jon and Hannah.
- Charles attempts to enter the conversation with a Richard Cheese reference.
- We learn the meaning of “murder-hobos“.
- Why not add Ultros to your next RPG campaign?
- Much of Jon’s inspiration on how to be a GM has recently come from Dungeon World.
- Slight (read large) digression about Norwescon. Successfully does what it sets out to do; it’s just not what we enjoy going to conventions for.
- Hannah is surprised by the goofiness of Attack on Titan.
- Check out Kingdom Death: Monsters if you want a game full of titties.
- In case you’re not aware of them: L5R and D&D.
- Jon’s poster for our Og game: The Housing Crisis.
- Expanded explanation of a Mary Sue character.
- And Charles is ridiculed for playing Rifts.
As always, click to download the MP3 of this episode here: Episode 22 – Game Prep
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