News and Opinions

Not-Megan’s Week in Geek – GODZILLA PLATYPUS

Megan is out of town this week, deftly avoiding the start of Seattle’s fall (which will last until exactly July 5th, 2014). In her stead, I’m taking over the Week in Geek, here to provide you with a round up of nifty nerdy things you may have missed during this very wet, very cold, very November week.

The Godzilla Platypus

giant carnivorous platypusThis week’s awesome-yet vaguely horrifying news brings us the discovery of an ancient, giant, carnivorous platypus whose fossilized tooth was found embed in limestone in Australia. There’s a ton of great info about this insanely cool yet still incredibly awkward-looking creature, which probably lived about 5 to 15 million years ago. The best part, though, is Professor Mike Archer, who co-wrote the report on it, is calling it the ‘platypus Godzilla.’ Reading about this thing has made me far more knowledgeable about platypuses. It’s also made me hyper aware of how ridiculous the word ‘platypus’ is.

OC Remix Going Biggermm25 cover

Beloved nerd-music website OverClocked Remix, one of the first and foremost purveyors of game remixes and original content, has released their first commercial album. For Everlasting Peace: 25 Years of Megaman is a collection of some of the best music from Megaman’s career, with 21 tracks from every Megaman series, remixed, overclocked and rearranged. Tons of genres from funk to ambient can be found on the album, which is not only a really awesome event for the very awesome OC Remix but is even officially licensed with Capcom!

Disney, Marvel and Netflix – The Super Team Up

Huge news for anybody who loves the Marvel Cinematic Universe (is that the official name yet?) – Marvel and Netflix are teaming up to create at least five mini-series based on the ‘flawed heroes of Hell’s Kitchen.’ Starting with Daredevil, then expanding to Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Luke Cage (!!!!!!!), each show will have at least four 12 episode runs, then will culminate in a mini-series called ‘The Defenders.’ I’m personally hella excited for this deal – while some of these characters aren’t ones I really care that much about, the fact that lesser-known heroes (one of whom is a woman!!!!!!) can get quality programming really shows that Disney and Marvel are playing this right.

And finally, a bonus one-time-only Week in Geek feature:

Hannah’s Gif of the Week



I think I’d put more effort into watching Attack on Titan if it really looked like that.

Megan should be back next Friday for your weekly fix of the interesting, the funny and the weird, courtesy of the internet.

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