News and Opinions

Megan’s week in geek review

I’ve mentioned before how I like to scour different sites and blogs day in and day out, so here starts my weekly collections of links and topics that i’ve come across in the past week for a week in geek review that I think you all might find interesting!

This past week has been crawling with comicbook news, infographics, and all sorts of tidbits that have been keeping me from flipping the table since Williams and Haden resigned from Batwoman. DC won’t allow Kate to be married because “heroes shouldn’t have happy personal lives“. So nothing good can happen to the Bat family? I’m sorry, but not only do you come across as possibly stifling one of the great gay characters today, you squashed what could also be a great tragedy for that character – something that is ALSO a mandate set by DC.  It’s on the list of Has DC done something stupid todayBatwoman

Also on that list is where DC was searching for new talent, by asking people to draw “Harley sitting naked in a bathtub with toasters, blow dryers, blenders, appliances all dangling above the bathtub and she has a cord that will release them all. We are watching the moment before the inevitable death. Her expression is one of “oh well, guess that’s it for me” and she has resigned herself to the moment that is going to happen.” – that is verbatim. I know there were other things to draw, but… really? Thankfully DC has walked that one back with a ‘you didn’t understand our context, but we’re sorry anyways’ at least.

Need something Batman that won’t leave such a sour taste in your mouth? How about a Bruce Wayne transformation into Batman a la Sailor Scout? I giggled like a school girl and had to watch it at least 3 times before sharing this link with everyone.

Away from Batman, I stumbled upon this awesome video on IGN with the history of Aquaman. While i’m sure it’s been edited out of post our podcasts (I should know, since I do the editing. whoops…), you can often hear me trying to convince people that AQUAMAN IS AWESOME, it’s not like he’s the incredible Mr. Limpet or something. Seriously, he’s a hero that you should check out sometime outside of Brightest day or Justice League!

JL8Last, if you haven’t read JL8 by Yale Stewart, do yourself a favor and set aside an hour and start from #1. What if the core Justice League members were all 8 year olds and in a public school together? They are all adorably cute, and I would really like to see an animated something be made of this!

I’ll be back next week, hopefully with something other than comics! (But for reals, you should read more comics. They’re pretty rad)

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