Tv & Movies

Star Trek: Into Something Something Something

star_trek_into_darkness_2013-wideI wasn’t thrilled with the new Star Trek.  I’m not using that phrase as an intentional understatement implying that I didn’t like the movie.  I did enjoy it.  It just didn’t thrill me.  Which, in an action movie such as Abrams reboot of Trek, is a seriously problem.  Why didn’t it blow me away as it seems to have done many of the other critics?  I’m not entirely sure, but I suspect that it has a lot to do with the fact that the movie was too busy.  This is going to contain some massive spoilers, so be warned.

The movie kicks off on a red alien planet with Kirk pulling some bullshit.  The planet looks cool as hell, as do the aliens, but we never really got WHY we’re there, other than some throwaway lines later about studying the planet.  What we do know is that Kirk violates the Prime Directive in rescuing Spock from a volcano, and in doing so gets his ship taken away from him and will be sent back to the Academy.  All this really does is inform us how ridiculous it was for an Academy cadet to be made a freaking captain without even graduating.  It’s like the writers realized how dumb that was, and had to pull some other dumb bullshit in order to “correct” it.

Then, all of this becomes irrelevant 90 seconds later when albino Khan shows up and kills half of the command staff of Starfleet, and Kirk gets his ship back.  (They really missed a great opportunity to put Pike in a Yes/No lightbulb chair here).  Why take Kirk’s ship away if you’re going to give it back to him immediately afterwards?  I understand that they were trying to make the emphasis of this movie Kirk not being ready for command.  But . . .that was the emphasis for the FIRST movie.  Why do it again?

Then we get to Khan.  Don’t get me wrong.  Benedict Cumberbatch did an admirable job with the role.  The problem here is two-fold:

  1. Benedict Cumberbatch should never play a character that couldn’t ALSO be named Benedict Cumberbatch.
  2. They just didn’t give him enough screentime.  Khan isn’t an “also” villain.  If you bust Khan out, you’d better be ready to BRING it, and he’d better be the ultimate bad guy of the film, with no motivation other than his own.  With the Klingons and the evil admiral, what could have been an amazing role that would have challenged Montalban became Danny Devito as the Penguin.  Decent job in the role, but completely swallowed by the million other things going on in the movie.

It really felt like they didn’t have a clear idea of a single story that could carry a movie, so they just kind of melded 3 episodes of a TV show together.  The result was entertaining, but I’m not sure I can qualify it as “good”.  The role reversals from Wrath of Khan were neat, as was the implication that the original Star Trek timeline can continue to affect this altered continuity thanks to Old Spock, but ultimately I felt that the film really fell on its face in terms of writing.  The DVD is going to be on my shelf when it comes out, but probably only because I love everything about Star Trek.  I’m not even sure what the title of the film means.  Into Darkness?  Who exactly went into darkness?  The admiral?  Kirk?  The title implies some kind of Heart of Darkness journey into the dark reaches of humanity.  Instead, what we get is lens flares and explosions.  I’m still on board for Star Trek 3, but come on, J.J..  Let’s get it together.

5 Comments on Star Trek: Into Something Something Something

  1. Sebastian

    I absolutely adored the movie and not for the action! (surprising). In my opinion this and Gatsby suffered from pacing ignorance. I went over all the “problems” that I felt was a fantastic film with actors that swung to the fences when they needed to and were light hearted when called for.

    It all boiled back down to timing and pacing. Was 30 minutes dedicated to volcanoland necessary OR required. No. It didn’t feel like it had anywhere near as much gravitas as the time on screen demanded for the plots’ later ramifications. Benedict was my easy fav in this movie, his evil was palpable when he displayed it, his calculating was chilling and for me he stole the film in his command of scenes and emotion.

    But the gravity of his massive evil was lost. Khan is in modern vernacular a “massive douche”. Lives, money, motivation and the greater good are things that go right under him as concepts. He is the height of self centered megalomania and you got to see a bit of it. Just, not really enough to suddenly get “CRASH IT INTO STARFLEET HEADQUARTERS”. Even while totally enthralled with the movie I still thought “Well, that escalated quickly”.

    Regardless, the actors made me cry man tears at the end, but the editing process fell down a little and the films pacing diluted probably one of the best villain performances I can recall while emphasizing relationships entirely superfluous to the story (Weapons Specialist and Dr. McCoy)

  2. Paula Reed

    I totally concur. Why was Kirk the only one to ever figure out anything among all the commanding elite? Here’s my other question, if Bones gave Kirk the synthesized blood, then what the hell is going to happen to that poor kid that got the full deal? Possible super villan for a future movie? Honestly, I don’t think J.J. could be that foward thinking. Again, nice diversion of a movie, but no replacement for Montalban’s pecs.

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