Who says dogs can’t fly?

No shoulder to cry…on a dog.
A few weeks ago I wrote a lot words, pretty much all positive, about The Megas and their most recent album, History Repeating: Blue. Just last week they released a single and B-sides collection called Fly on a Dog as a sneak peek at History Repeating: Red, the yet-to-be-released album bookend to Blue. Between obsessive listenings of various Les Miserables concerts (I’m a little excited for the movie, okay?), I have been listening to Fly on a Dog on repeat and I’m not sick of it yet.
Definitely only piquing our interest and impatience for History Repeating: Red, Fly on a Dog only has five tracks – the title track, a remix, a cover of an 80s pop hit, a cartoon theme cover and an original composition inspired by MM2. Here’s what you get for a measly $5:
“Fly on a Dog”
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhmwh0EEoIo?rel=0&w=480&h=360]
A sneak peak of History Repeating: Red that makes me even more completely impatient for that album to be released. This song is amaziballs. Despite the title, it’s not actually one of their comedic songs – the song is about as serious as The Megas get, detailing Megaman’s now total disillusionment with Dr. Light (“How dare he call me son / when I am clearly just a loaded gun?”) and the good doctor’s desire to see the death (assassination, even) of Dr. Wiley. Which is, of course, a desire we heard about from Dr. Light’s point of view in “(I Want To Be The One) To Watch You Die.”
The lyrics are fantastic; they show the deep characterization of Megaman and the struggle that’s been building through two albums. There’s no clunky lyrics here at all, instead the lyrics are simple, direct and powerful, hinting at an ALMOST (and I say almost because just writing this makes me feel filthy with pretension) transhumanist conflict.
Meanwhile, the song is still called “Fly on a Dog” and has a few choruses that remind us we’re talking about Megaman, here. And Megaman can ride in a dog. UNDERWATER!
“Just Another Machine”
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjV49QmmKec?rel=0&w=560&h=315]
Just little over two minutes longer than “Fly on a Dog” is the remix, “Just Another Machine.” I really like this remix; it barely sounds like a stereotypical remix to me. It’s a harder version of the original, a hint more industrial and machinelike. It’s more haunting and less angry than “Fly on a Dog,” which fits the tone just as well. For me it’s a toss up as to which version I like better.
“Send Me An Angel”
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMd9tMBXa-U?rel=0&w=560&h=315]
The last time The Megas released a single it was “Sparked A War,” which acted as a preview for History Repeating: Blue. Included on that single release was “Sunglasses at Night,” a cover of the 80s hit. …a really good cover.
This time for reasons seemingly inexplicable (I’m betting an obsession with 80s music that all Megaman-based bands seem to exhibit), they’ve covered “Send Me An Angel.” with an added variety of soundclips from the longest infomercial about video games ever, The Wizard. It’s a pretty good cover for a song that’s never made me swoon.
“Super Fighting Robot (MeGerman)”
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkKlPgt3hzQ?rel=0&w=560&h=315]
This is technically another cover; it’s The Megas’s version of the German Megaman opening theme with some bonus dubstep. And it’s definitely got some dubstep but it’s not obnoxious, blended in pretty well with the song’s outro. A fun, short track, mostly lots of MEGAMAAAAANs and familiar riffs.
“I Want to B42A5D54E2 the C531”
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsdt53DJZYs?rel=0&w=560&h=315]
The final track of Fly on a Dog is an original composition inspired by the Megaman 2 password select screen. Everything I listen to this, just when I think it’s going to get repetitive and boring, it switches up. I like it a lot, it’s a mellow track that sounds just enough like the game to fit in with the rest of my video game music (and game based) library.
Fly on a Dog is a great way to blow $5. For the change you can pull out of your couch, you’ll get some great additions to The Megas discography. You’ll also want to listen to History Repeating: Red like…right now. If not sooner. Let this collection tide you over until we get some sweet new jams.
Once again, The Megas are awesome and have put Fly on a Dog up on youtube in its entirety. You can also purchase it on their bandcamp or website, as well as the rest of their discography. And you really should!